Webinar on Smart Grids and Island Energy Business Opportunities , 17th September 2020

Third participation to the VIRTUAL ISLAND SUMMIT in September 2022
Join islanders from around the world to share ideas, good practices and solutions!
The Virtual Island Summit is the first of its kind event, connecting leaders from around the world to drive sustainability and prosperity for island communities.
10,000 attendees including policymakers, entrepreneurs, academics and NGO leaders share their expertise on island communities bringing examples of good practices from around the world.
The ICE partners will held a conference on September 29th between 3:30 and 5:00 pm CEST and will focus on "Bioeconomy for islands : how to valorise your wastes and produce energy? "

ICE Webinar on June 28th 2022 :
Energy system design for net-zero performance on the Isle of Wight

Few weeks ago, we organised a webinar targeting the specific topic of “seaweeds on islands” and explaing how the Isle of Wight is valorising it.
We are pleased to invite you on Tuesday 28th June 2022 (3 pm - 4 pm CET) to our second webinar where will focus on hybrid energy systems for islands (tidal energy, solar, wind, hydrogen) and showcase the Isle of Wight and its net-zero performance objectives.
ICE Webinar on March 22nd 2022 :
How does the Isle of Wight valorise the potential of its seaweeds (energy, cosmetics, agri-food)?
Seaweeds are often a major issue for islands.
Indeed, a number of beaches regularly suffer from deep drifts of seaweed in harbours and along the shore, invading the shores and causing smell nuisances.
This is a specific topic we have been working with the Isle of Wight, for two years now, in order to characterize these cast seaweeds and see how we could evaluate its potential as a valuable ressource.
We are pleased to invite you to our next webinar on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 (10.30-12.00 CET) where we will showcase the Isle of Wight and explain how seaweeds can be valorized.
ICE Webinars : November 25th and December 9th 2021
Energy production and consumption: Inspiring use cases for islands and isolated territories.
If you have not been able to participate to the webinars in November and December 2021, you can access both sessions on replay.
ICE Webinars : November 25th and December 9th 2021
Energy production and consumption: Inspiring use cases for islands and isolated territories.
The ICE project covers the entire energy cycle from production to consumption, exploits local renewable energy sources and integrates new and existing technologies currently at different levels of readiness in order to deliver a comprehensive innovative solution.
We are pleased to invite you to our next webinars on Thursday 25th November 2021 (10.30-12.00) and Thursday 9th December 2021 (10.30-11.30) where we will:
Give key answers to two fundamental issues: energy production and consumption on islands, evidencing .
Show concrete examples of projects achieved on the the Islands of Sein, Molène, Alderney, La Guadeloupe, Les Glénans and Ushant.
Supply chain opportunities for smart energy solutions for islands and isolated territories
Wednesday 13th October 2021
Ocean Business
Islands and isolated territories are looking for innovative low-carbon energy systems to reduce their emissions and dependence on costly fossil fuels. This is a sizable market: the ICE project has analysed the potential on more than 30 isolated territories that are accessible from UK or France.
This workshop will explore local renewable energy sources, micro-energy grids as well as smart energy storage solutions for islands and other isolated territories.
This event would be especially relevant for renewable energy providers, energy service providers, energy system consultants and technology enablers.

Port Decarbonisation and Smart Energy Solutions
Wednesday 13th October 2021
Ocean Business
Ports and shipping are major users of energy and are under pressure to improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions. To achieve the ambitions of the UK Clean Maritime Plan ports will have to change the way they use energy and the infrastructure that delivers it.
Smart grid technology and energy storage solutions are key ingredients for ports to transition their energy use and accommodate the ongoing electrification of shipping. The ICE project has been exploring how communities like ports can deploy these solutions most effectively.
This workshop will discuss the issues surrounding port decarbonisation and present the Port of Portsmouth as a case study for combining renewable generating capacity with innovative energy storage solutions and advanced energy management systems.
Ports, renewable energy providers, energy service providers and other stakeholders would be welcome to attend this session to learn about the fast changing landscape as well as supply chain opportunities in port decarbonisation.
Second participation to the VIRTUAL ISLAND SUMMIT in September 2021
Join islanders from around the world to share ideas, good practices and solutions!
The Virtual Island Summit is the first of its kind event, connecting leaders from around the world to drive sustainability and prosperity for island communities.
10,000 attendees including policymakers, entrepreneurs, academics and NGO leaders share their expertise on island communities bringing examples of good practices from around the world.
The ICE partners will held a webinar on September 10th between 10:30 and 12:00 CET and will focus on "successful energy transition in islands : what is the good balance between local regulation, technology and public engagement? Focus on Ushant (France), Sark and Scilly (UK)"

ICE partners have decided to go further in helping and supporting isolated territories and especially islands to build and deploy smart energy solutions for their territories. New budgets have been assigned to deliver studies and experimentations for islands willing to investigate or implement new solutions.
We have already performed globally 25 feasibility studies and test the methodology on 4 different European Islands (Lundy and Isles of Scilly in the UK, Molène and Chausey in France) and implement specific solutions on the Ushant island (France).
In 2021, we will:
Perform new feasibility studies in order to better design energy solutions
Implement new experimentations to test specific solutions
We will select between March and April 2021 the islands that could benefit from our support either for the studies or the experimentations or funding needs.

ICE participates to the European Transition Energy Day leading an inovation workshop on March 3rd 2021
Islands and other isolated territories have become important foci of attention for sustainability transitions, serving as testbeds for an array of smart and renewable energy technologies. There is, however, growing recognition of the need for technology developers to integrate contextual sensibilities more fully into their promotion and implementation strategies. Strategies that place excessive focus on the generalizability of technological lessons and the potential for scaling-up tested solutions in other sites risk overlooking the socio-cultural dimensions of energy transitions and specific local concerns and issues.
Against this backdrop, this Experience Sharing Workshop brings together key stakeholders, practitioners, academics and local authority representatives to share their experiences from the Intelligent Community Energy (ICE) and the MERIFIC projects. They explore the realities of implementing energy transitions in isolated territories in the Channel area, outlining: (a) how local contexts influence the implementation of innovate technical solutions, (b) how local interests and priorities inform decision-making, and (c) how energy consumers engage with planned transitions and respond to the new roles envisioned for them. In so doing, the session seeks to open-up discussions between actors involved in energy transitions across Europe on how to approach replicating and upscaling local innovations without losing sight of social contingencies and local specificities.

For more than 20 years in Brest (France), Sea Tech Week® has forged and strengthened international collaboration and business in marine science and technology. The virtual Sea Tech Week® will continue to be a cross-disciplinary platform bringing together researchers, businesses, representative from institutions and students.
Do not miss the ICE workshop "Where and how to develop my business in non-interconnected areas?" It will take place on Monday, October 12 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m (CET). The aim is to provide businesses for companies with a vision of the non-interconnected areas on which to develop their products and / or services.
The event targets companies offering smart-grid solutions and wishing to develop their activities in energy-isolated areas.
In addition to the restitution of the Junior Impact study on the mapping of ZNIs (24 islands globally) and their characterization, the workshop will be punctuated by testimonials from territories and companies.
Webinar on Smart Grids and Island Energy Business Opportunities , 17th September 2020

Marine South East will be presenting at this online event to discuss the business opportunities for smart grid technologies with particular reference to isolated and island communities including port areas.
Smart grids are being developed on land, and are increasingly looking at how to incorporate marine renewable energy into the mix. Some examples of these are the Smart Energy Islands project involving the Isles of Scilly, and the ICE project focussing on Ushant and port communities.
Marine South East is collaborating with Marine-i and the EU funded ICE Project to host this webinar.
The first in a series of webinar will take place on Thursday 17th September 2020, 10am-12pm online.
Topics being discussed at this event include:
* Market opportunities for smart grid technology developers and providers
* Specific opportunities in isolated communities, ports and harbours and other geographically isolated scenarios
* Opportunities to create smart grids incorporating marine energy
* Marine-i and ICE opportunities for research assistance
To register your interest in attending this event please book now at the following link:
Participation to the VIRTUAL ISLAND SUMMIT in September 2020
The Virtual Island Summit is the first of its kind event, connecting leaders from around the world to drive sustainability and prosperity for island communities. Best of all, it's free!
This is not a standard online conference!
This year they have:
30+ interactive panels (only join the sessions that you're interested in!)
cutting edge networking and engagement
100+ speakers from all over the world
sessions in English, Spanish and French
movie screenings and live entertainment
and more!
The ICE partners will held a webinar on September 10th between 11:00 and 13:30 and will present the USHANT Case Study as well as the value proposition of the solution. Moreover the event will officially launch the Club of Territories and allow isolated territories to benefit from all the ICE experience.

Call for tender: Smart Connected Objects
The SDEF is one of the partners of the ICE project of the European program Interreg France-England, which aims to design and implement for the isolated territories of the English Channel area, and in particular Ushant (FR), intelligent solutions in terms of energy by the deployment of “smart-grid”.
The energy transition from Ushant to reach autonomy is supported by the deployment of renewable electricity production facilities, such as a tidal turbine in the Fromveur Passage, or photovoltaic power plants on the roofs of public buildings.
The key issue of the energy transition lies in the synchronization of demand with production, which is intermittent by nature.
The SDEF launch an unprecedented experiment: communicating the status of the electricity network to inhabitants in real time using connected objects that will display a color (green, yellow or red). The volunteers to this experiment will become actors in the energy transition of the island by shifting certain consumption at favourable times, that is to say during low demand and high renewable production.

Answer our call for tender before June 25th, 2020
Call for expression of interest
Looking for new opportunities to implement your smart- energy efficient solutions in isolated grids? Join the ICE community and get the ICE label!