Webinar on Smart Grids and Island Energy Business Opportunities , 17th September 2020

The ICE label is dedicated to businesses willing to provide intelligent energy solutions to isolated territories.
This label, obtain through a call for expressions of interest, certifies that companies have expertise in smart grids and that their solutions are suited to isolated territories and transferable in terms of:
control of energy demand;
energy production and network management;
implementation of related services such as "Smart City".
The ICE certified companies form a consortium of entities offering technical and commercial knowledge and skills to enable them to apply for tenders at national and European level.
In the meantime, synergies between companies open access to markets that they cannot reach by themselves.
The companies were certified by a selection committee because they met the technical (clean and connected solution), logistical (solution adapted to isolated territories), commercial, social and territorial (adaptable and transferable solution) criteria necessary to obtain the label.
There are 24 of them:
ICE certified companies benefit from the support of the ICE project in terms of:

The Call for Expressions of Interest was launched on 28 January 2019 with three surveys:
April 30, 2019
September 30, 2019
December 31, 2019 at noon
Applications must be submitted via the online form available here.